19 research outputs found


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    This study investigated instrumental and integrative motivations (motivational orientation) of a group of EFL students, namely post graduate students of Public Administration in Jenderal Soedirman University. Students learned English intensively because they were projected to apply for scholarships in Burapha University in Thailand that had an MOU with Jenderal Soedirman University. Students were going to undertake a sandwiches program in Burapha University, Thailand. A motivation questionnaire was developed and distributed to 12 students consisting of 5 male and 7 females. After that, they were interviewed. It was expected that the students joined in this project would have a high motivation to learn English for a selection process. However, an instrumental motivation was found to be the main reason for the students to learn English. The motivational orientation functioned as a motivation initiator that subsequently enhanced the motivational drive in learning the target languag

    Researching the Use of Dictionary by Students of English Literature Department at Jenderal Soedirman University

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    Dictionaries are recommnded as a useful tool when learning EFL because it gives information of the language about many aspects like, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Nevertheless, EFL practionaires rarely pay attention to the dictionary used by the students. The article focuses on the investigation about types of dictionaries used, the frequency of dictionary use, and the lexical information examined. Respondents were students of English Literature Department, Jenderal Soedirman University. Data were taken from questionnaires. The result showed that students did not have any special instruction on how to make full use of the dictionaries. The respondents favored bilingual dictionaries over monolingual dictionaries. Respondents saw that pronunciation, usage, and examples were considered as a secondary importance


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    Corporal punishment in schools has a common effect in a growing fear of teachers among school children. There were 104 students of English Language and Literature Department in Jenderal Soedirman University participated in this survey taking an optional subject called ‘Teaching English as a Foreign Language’ (TEFL). A survey was conducted to ask students opinion about any kinds of corporal punishment they experienced when they were at schools. The result showed that many students received corporal punishment from their teachers. Students knew that the government prohibited teachers from corporal punishment. However, some respondents thought that those kinds of corporal punishment were for their own good. In view of this, students believed that a teacher was someone who had the right to educate the students to maintain their discipline by giving cultural punishment


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    This paper is going to explain about the research on bilingual Javanese-Indonesian in Purwokerto and Cilacap. Most Javanese in rural areas are bilingual, i.e. Javanese and Indonesian. Javanese is usually spoken more in informal situations. Today, Javanese communicate more in Indonesian. The general impression is that the ability to read and write Javanese script is diminishing amongst the present generation of Javanese. Parents have an important role to preserve the Javanese language because if they use Javanese at home, their children will automatically master the language. The result of this research shows that there is an unsatisfactory attempt to master the complicated system of the standard Javanese language in Bancarkembar village, Banyumas Regency, and Sidanegara village, Cilacap Regency. Respondents in those two villages try to simplify Javanese language etiquette. The result of this research also indicates that the roles of the school are very important in supporting and repressing the Javanese language. Without considerable exposure to formal teaching and experience in other domains, it may lead to substantial defferences in teaching the language to their children

    Perspektif Mahasiswa dalam Permasalahan Penggunaan Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar

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    Buku teks disiapkan dengan cara memilih bahan-bahan yang memiliki nilai permanen dan orisinal. Berbagai macam buku teks disiapkan untuk subyek yang berbeda dengan latar belakang pendidikan yang beragam, seperti bahasa Inggris untuk sekolah dasar. Saat ini, buku teks bahasa Inggris sangat penting. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat masalah-masalah dan mencari solusi dalam penggunaan buku teks untuk siswa sekolah dasar di wilayah Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah. Data diperoleh dari hasil Diskusi Kelompok Terpusat (FGD) di antara mahasiswa Universitas Jenderal Soedirman yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buku teks tidak sejalan dengan kebutuhan siswa. Menghasilkan uang adalah tujuan utama dalam penggunaan buku teks. Kualitas buku teks buruk dan isinya tidak berkaitan satu sama lain. Selain itu, tidak ada perhatian khusus yang diberikan untuk metode pengajaran; ketiadaan gambar-gambar dan ilustrasi yang diperlukan; dan banyak kesalahan bahasa dan penulisan

    Analyzing the Development of Phonologycalaspcets in Speaking Class to Students of English as a Foreign Language (Efl) in Jenderal Soedirman University

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    The differences in phonological systems between Indonesian and English systems are the central problems that university students often encountered in speaking practice. Students usually transfer the system of their own mother tongue to the target language. This article is intended to explore the problems of EFL students in Jenderal Soedirman University in speaking the target language correctly. The discussion focused on the typical mistakes that the university students made in phonological aspects. Analysis was given to problems in the aspect which occurred during their speaking class. It was hoped that this could become an idea of the EFL teacher to devise the materials for teaching students in tertiary level

    Animasi 3d Cara Berternak Kelinci

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    Kelinci merupakan golongan ternak herbivore yang telah dikenal oleh masyarakat selain kambing, sapi, kerbau, dan lain-lain. Kelinci semula adalah hewan liar yang sulit dijinakkan, kelinci dijinakkan sejak 2000 tahun silamdengan tujuan keindahan, bahan pangan dan sebagai hewan percobaan. Hampir setiap negaradi dunia memiliki ternak kelinci karena kelinci mempunyai daya adaptasi tubuh yang relatif tinggi sehingga mampu hidup di hampir seluruh dunia.Beberapa manfaat yang diperoleh dari beternak kelinci salah satunya dari segi keuntungan ekonomi yang diperoleh. Oleh karena itu didalam penelitian ini kami akan menyajikan sebuah animasi cara berternak kelinci yang baik dan benar, karena berternak kelinci adalah salah satu aktifitas atau hobi yang sangat menjanjikan dan menguntungkan, namun dikalangan masyarakat masih banyak yang belum tau tentang cara berternak kelinci. Dengan adanya media informasi menggunakan animasi maka proses penyampaian suatu informasi akan lebih mudah untuk di pahami dibandingkan menggunakan lisan ataupun tulisan. Oleh karena itu dengan adanya animasi cara berternak kelinci ini masyarakat akan tau bagaimana cara berternak kelinci yang baik dan benar, yang akan dikemas sebagai bentuk animasi tiga dimensi

    Three Dimensional Animation of How to Breed Rabbit

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    Rabbit is one of the animal groups that is included in herbivore livestock that has been known by people beside of goat, cow, buffalo etc. Most countries in this world have rabbit livestock because of the rabbit has a high body adaptation energy that can make them live in most of the world. Some of the advantages of rabbit breeding are from the side of economic profits. Because of that, this research presents an animation of the way to breed rabbit well and correctly, because rabbit breeding is one of the benificial activities or hobbies. Through media information which uses animation, the process of information delivery will be easier to understand rather than using oral or written from. Therefore, how to breed rabbit animation will make people know the way to breed rabbit well and correctly, that will serve as a three-dimensional form


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh motivasi untuk berprestasi, iklim sekolah, dan kepuasan kerja secara parsial terhadap kinerja guru SMP di komwil 02 Kabupaten Tegal dan untuk menganalisis faktor terbesar di antara motivasi berprestasi iklim sekolah , dan kepuasan kerja dalam mempengaruhi kinerja guru. Metode penelitian yang digunakan survey dengan Proporsional Cluster Random Sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan regresi linear ganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi untuk berprestasi, iklim sekolah, dan kepuasan kerja secara parsial memberikan efek positif terhadap kinerja guru SMP di Komwil 02 Kabupaten Tegal, dan motivasi untuk berprestasi memberikan efect terbesar terhadap kinerja guru. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa motivasi guru untuk berprestasi harus ditingkatka. Iklim sekolah harus lebih kondusif dan kepuasan kerja harus diciptakan . Kata kunci : Motivasi untuk berprestasi, iklim sekolah , kepuasan kerja , gur

    Three Dimensional Animation of How to Breed Rabbit

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    Rabbit is one of the animal groups that is included in herbivore livestock that has been known by people beside of goat, cow, buffalo etc. Most countries in this world have rabbit livestock because of the rabbit has a high body adaptation energy that can make them live in most of the world. Some of the advantages of rabbit breeding are from the side of economic profits. Because of that, this research presents an animation of the way to breed rabbit well and correctly, because rabbit breeding is one of the benificial activities or hobbies. Through media information which uses animation, the process of information delivery will be easier to understand rather than using oral or written from. Therefore, how to breed rabbit animation will make people know the way to breed rabbit well and correctly, that will serve as a three- dimensional form